Polyglot and Hybrid Persistence Architectures for Big Data Analytics

TYPHON Project
The aim of TYPHON is to provide an industry-validated methodology and integrated technical offering for designing, developing, querying, evolving, analysing and monitoring scalable hybrid data persistence architectures that will meet the growing scalability and heterogeneity requirements of the European industry, which drives the project through four use cases from the domains of automotive, earth observation, banking, and telecom.
Hybrid Polystore Design
Development of a methodology and technical infrastructure for designing hybrid polystores in consideration of the structure of the data, the availability, partitioning and consistency requirements of different subsets of data and available deployment resources.

Hybrid Polystore Design Model Transformations
Development of novel algorithms for transforming hybrid polystore design models into pre-configured optimised virtual machines which can be deployed on cloud infrastructure.
High-level Language for Querying and Modifying Hybrid Polystores
Development of an extensible high-level language for querying and modifying data persisted in hybrid polystores, and facilities for translating high-level queries into efficient native queries.

High-performance Framework for Publishing and Processing Data
Development of a high-performance framework for publishing and processing data access and update events to facilitate orthogonal real-time monitoring and predictive analytics
Methodology and Infrastructure for Evolving the Organisation of Data in Hybrid Polystores
Development of a methodology and technical infrastructure for evolving the organisation and distribution of data in hybrid polystores, as well as tools for monitoring the use of polystores to inform the evolution process.